Thursday, March 30, 2017

Is Trump Vulnurable?

President Donald Trump is vulnerable to blackmail. The article on the Huffington Post “Is President Trump Vulnerable To Russian Blackmail’ describes how the Russians might have total control over the President of the United States and its campaign. Trump has been accused of having Russian ties since the start of his campaign and now that the FBI as well as House and Senate Intelligence Committees are looking are into investigating they might find something. Trump is not the only one, high level members of his campaign staff have also been accused of ties with the Russian ambassador and Russian agents. One question is did Trump make a deal with Russia in which he would run in their favor and in exchange Russia would dump hack emails or other material that would affect Hillary Clinton? Another question is if his campaign did come in contact with Russian leaders is did President Trump know about these contacts or was he aware this was happening? Trump is certainly being blackmailed by the Russians, the Russians must have something on Donald Trump that is causing him to go in their favor. All throughout his campaign Donald Trump suggested we should align with Russian something no other president in history would have done before him. The Russians have so much power on Trump now if they want to weaken him they can easily say someone from the United States contacted the Russians and everyone here would believe it, with everything that is going on even if it was not true Trump would not be able to prove otherwise. Trump is without a doubt being controlled by the Russians to do anything in their favor and if the Russians choose to they can destroy him at any time.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Comment on a Blog

Laura Clawson has a Blog for the Daily Kos, she has been a contributing editor since December 2006. Laura Clawson also belongs to many other groups like the Daily Kos Elections, Educator Voices, In Support of Labor and Unions and many more. In her post Trumpcareis going to be a killer—literally—for Trump's white working-class base. She informs the citizens how Trump’s new care act is basically going to screw everyone over, except for certain people, which are his rich friends they will get giant tax cuts. She uses the study found by Harvard health economist David Cutler estimates those increased costs will total an average of $2,409 in 2020. He also found that enrolled people 55 to 64 will face a higher cost average as well by 2020. Laura Clawson is right about her post and I agree with her the new healthcare act that is said to be put out by trump is going to suck. The new Healthcare Act would phase out Medicaid expansion, gets rid of the individual mandate, charges a 30 percent premium surcharge to people without continuous coverage in the individual market, and defunds Planned Parenthood. Those do not sound like benefits to me.  The people that are most affected by this are low income people, the elderly and women. “Trump care” is going to be a killer, it will not make things better it will make them worse, and for the people that voted for Trump not only did they screw themselves but ruined everything for the rest of us that did not want this to happen.