Sunday, February 19, 2017

Comment on a Article

Richard Cohen writes a political column for the Washington Post every week. He also contributes to the post partisan blog, he has been a part of the post since 1968. In this article Richard Cohen’s audience is us, the citizens. His argument is that Richard Cohen claims and writes that no one in the white house is capable of doing the job they have assigned correctly, including the President himself. He says the Trump Administration is not fit for their job titles, for example he uses Michael Flynn, Cohen says how he got fired from his previous job for a horrible management style has not lost his touch. He is being accused of lying about relations with the Russians and relaxing sanctions. Another example he uses is Reince Priebus, the White House chief of staff is being criticize for the Executive order 13769, tension erupted and the courts intervened, the order is described as chaos and pure cruelty. Cohen also uses Stephen K. Bannon as an example, just recently of Breitbart News and now, the White House’s top strategic thinker, apparently appointed himself to the National Security Council. Cohen says how he will wage a battle or war on anyone for no reason whatever, he is right someone that has had no experience in this type of work should not be appointed to this position. Which leads to his argument about President Trump, and how he is not fit to lead this country. He describes Trump as a teenager, he speaks before he thinks and using Twitter to insult people rather than consulting with them. He says that Trump at 70 is not about to grow up, and I agree insulting people via Twitter is not how the President should be acting. He compares Trump to Richard Nixon in how he eventually gave up, he says Trump will reach this point one day, let’s just hope it is not too late. 

Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Johnson Amendment

In this Article Trump vows he will destroy the Johnson Amendment. The Amendment restricted churches and charitable organizations from participating in any political organization, or show any favorable side to any party or candidate. Johnson introduced this in 1954 as a way to beat his opponent who was receiving support from nonprofit organizations, Johnson took the voices of churches and organizations from speaking their minds from their pulpits. In the Article President Trump vows he will destroy the Amendment, President Trump and his supporters claim this is a violation of freedom of speech. The Article is worth reading because it shows how Trump is working on gaining even greater support by reaching out to religious conservatives. It shows how not everyone has freedom of speech and that Trump is doing everything that he can to gain and keep more support.